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Electronic Journals Access
- AAPS Journal Open access
- Accounts of Chemical Research ACS Access from 1968 onwards
- ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces ACS Access from 2009 onwards
- ACS Chemical Biology ACS Access from 2006 onwards
- ACS Chemical Neuroscience ACS Access from 2010 onwards
- ACS Nano ACS Access from 2007 onwards
- ACS Omega ACS Open access
- ACS Photonics ACS Access from 2014 onwards
- ACS Synthetic Biology ACS Access from 2012 onwards
- Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica W Access from 1999 onwards
- Acta Biochimica Polonica Open access
- Acta Biotechnologica W Access from 1997-2003 only
- Acta Crystallographica A: Foundation and Advances W Access from 1997 onwards
- Acta Crystallographica B: Structural Science W Access from 1997 onwards
- Acta Crystallographica C: Crystal Structure Communications W Access from 1996 onwards
- Acta Crystallographica D: Biological Crystallography W Access from 1997 onwards
- Acta Crystallographica E: Structure Reports Online Open access from 2008 onwards only
- Acta Crystallographica F: Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications W Access from 2005 onwards
- Acta Diabetologica S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Acta Ecologica Sinica @ Access from 2006 onwards
- Acta Histochemica et Cytochemica Open access
- Acta Medica Okayama Open access
- Acta Paediatrica W Access from 1997 onwards
- Acta Physiologica W Access from 1997 onwards
- Addiction W Access from 1997 onwards
- Additives for Polymers @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Advanced Functional Materials W Access from 1992 onwards
- Advanced Materials W Access from 1989 onwards
- Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis W Access 1996-2009 (April). Previously ‘Journal fuer Praktische Chemie’
- Advances and Applications in Bioinformatics and Chemistry Open access
- Advances in Applied Mathematics @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Advances in Bioinformatics Open access
- Advances in Colloid and Interface Science @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Advances in Enzyme Regulation @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Advances in Mathematics @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Advances in Nutrition @ Open access
- Advances in Polymer Technology W Access from 1997 onwards
- Advances in Protein Chemistry and Structural Biology Print issues held in the Library
- African Journal of Ecology W Access from 1997 onwards
- Age Open access
- Age and Aging Open access to most issues (not supplements)
- Aging Cell W Open access
- Agribusiness: an International Journal W Access from 1997-2008 only
- Agricultural and Biological Chemistry Open access (1964-1991). Title changed to ‘Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry‘. Previously called ‘Bulletin of the Agricultural Chemical Society of Japan‘.
- Agricultural Ecosystems and Environment @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Agricultural and Food Economics Open access
- Agricultural and Forest Entomology W Access from 1999 onwards
- Agricultural Systems @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Agriculture Open access
- Agronomy Open access
- Alcohol @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Algorithms for Molecular Biology(BMC) Open access
- Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics W Access from 1997 onwards
- Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics: Symposium Series W Access to 2005-2007
- Aliso: A Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany Open access
- Allergy W Access from 1997 onwards. Also available from IngentaConnect (1999-2006)
- Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology (BMC) Open access
- Alzheimer’s Research and Therapy Open access
- AMB Express Open access
- Ambix Open access
- American Heart Journal @ Access from 1995 onwards
- American Journal of Botany W Access from 1996 onwards
- American Journal of Cancer Research Open access
- American Journal of Clinical Nutrition OUP Access from 1996 onwards
- American Journal of Epidemiology No current access, but open access after 1 year
- American Journal of Human Genetics @ No current access, but open access after 6 months
- American Journal of Pathology No current access, but open access after 1 year from 1925 onwards
- American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education No current access, but open access after 2 months
- American Journal of Physiology: Cell Physiology No current access, but open access after 1 year, back to Oct 1997
- American Journal of Physiology: Endocrinology and Metabolism No current access, but open access after 1 year, back to Oct 1997
- American Journal of Physiology: Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology No current access, but open access after 1 year, back to Oct 1997
- American Journal of Physiology: Heart and Circulatory Physiology No current access, but open access after 1 year, back to Oct 1997
- American Journal of Physiology: Renal Physiology No current access, but open access after 1 year, back to Oct 1997
- American Journal of Potato Research S+ Open access after 1 year
- American Journal of Preventive Medicine @ Access from 1995 onwards
- American Journal of Reproductive Immunology W Access from 2000 onwards
- American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine No current access, but open access after 1 year
- American Journal of Translational Research Open access
- American Journal of Transplantation W Access from 2001 onwards
- American Laboratory Open access
- Amino Acids S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Anaerobe @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Anaesthesia W Access from 1997 onwards
- Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias Open Access
- Analyst (The) RSC Access to 1876-2007 only
- Analytica Chimica Acta @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Analytical Biochemistry @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Analytical Chemistry ACS Access from 1947 Vol. 19 onwards. Previously ‘Industrial and Engineering Chemistry’ also on this page
- Analytical Chemistry Insights Open access
- Analytical Communications RSC 1996-1999 only
- Analytical Proceedings RSC 1980-1993
- Analytical Proceedings including Analytical Communications RSC 1994-1995
- Analytical Sciences Open access
- Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia: Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series C W Access from 1997 onwards
- Anatomical Science International W Access from 2002 onwards
- Anatomy and Cell Biology Open access
- Ancient Science of Life Open access
- Andrologia W Access from 1999 onwards
- Angewandte Chemie W Access from 1998 onwards
- Angewandte Chemie International Edition W Access from 1998 onwards
- Animal Feed Science and Technology @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Animal Genetics W Access from 1997 onwards
- Animal Research Open access 1952-2006
- Animal Science Journal W Access from 2002 onwards
- Annals of Applied Biology W Access from 1997 onwards
- Annals of Biomedical Engineering S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Annals of Botany OUP Access from 1887 onwards. Also available from ScienceDirect from 1995 onwards
- Annals of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences Open access (mostly English)
- Annals of Cancer Research and Therapy Open access
- Annals of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials (BMC) Open access
- Annals of Epidemiology @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Annals of General Hospital Psychiatry Open access
- Annals of Human Genetics W Access from 1997 onwards
- Annals of Mathematics Open access
- Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences W Access from 1997 onwards
- Annals of Oncology No current access, but open access after 1 year
- Annals of Physics @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Annals of Surgical Innovation and Research (BMC) Open access
- Annual Reports on Analytical Atomic Spectrometry RSC Access to 1971-1984
- Annual Reports Section ‘A’ (inorganic chemistry) RSC Access to 1979-2007
- Annual Reports Section ‘B’ (organic chemistry) RSC Access to 1967-2007
- Annual Reports Section ‘C’ (physical chemistry) RSC Access to 1979-2007
- Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry RSC Access to 1904-1966
- Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry, Section A: General Physical and Inorganic Chemistry RSC Access to 1967-1972
- Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry, Section A: Physical and Inorganic Chemistry RSC Access to 1973-1978
- Annual Review of Biochemistry Access from 1997 onwards
- Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology Access from 1996 onwards
- Annual Review of Genetics Access from 1996 onwards
- Annual Review of Immunology Access 1996-2010 only
- Annual Review of Microbiology Access from 1996 onwards
- Annual Review of Nutrition Access 1996-2010 only
- Annual Review of Phytopathology Access from 1996 onwards
- Annual Review of Plant Biology Access from 1996 onwards
- Annual Wheat Newsletter Open access
- Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy ASM
- Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control Open access
- Antimicrobics and Infectious Diseases Newsletter @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Antioxidants and Redox Signaling MAL Open access 1999-2007
- Antiviral Research @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Antonie van Leeuwenhoek S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- ANZ Journal of Surgery W Access from 1997 onwards
- APLAR Journal of Rheumatology W Access from 2002 onwards
- APMIS W Access from 2000 onwards
- Appetite @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Applied Behavioral Science Review @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Applied Catalysis A: General @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Applied Catalysis B: Environmental @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Applied Entomology and Zoology Open access up to the end of last year.
- Applied and Environmental Microbiology ASM (full text from 1995). Also available at Pubmed back to 1953 after 6 months old
- Applied Mathematics Letters @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology S Access from 1997 onwards
- Applied Nanoscience Open access
- Applied Numerical Mathematics @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Applied Organometallic Chemistry W Access from 1997 onwards
- Applied and Preventive Psychology @ Access 1995-2012. Discontinued as of 2013.
- Applied Sciences Open access
- Applied Soil Ecology @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Applied and Translational Genomics @ Access from 2012 onwards
- Applied Vegetation Science W Access from 1998 onwards
- Aquaculture Nutrition W Access from 1997 onwards
- Aquaculture Research W Access from 1997 onwards
- Aquatic Botany @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Arabidopsis Book (The) Open access
- Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Archives of Histology and Cytology Open access
- Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology W Access from 1996 onwards
- Archives of Microbiology S Access from 1997 onwards
- Archives of Oral Biology @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Archives of Public Health Open access
- Archives of Toxicology S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Archives of Virology S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Arkivoc Chemistry Open access
- Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologica Open access
- Arthropod-Plant Interactions S+ Access from 2007 onwards
- Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition Open access up until the end of last year
- Austral Ecology W Access from 1997 onwards
- Australian Journal of Entomology W Access from 1997 onwards
- Australian Journal of Rural Health W Access from 1997 onwards
- Autoimmunity Reviews @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Automated Experimentation (BMC) Open access
- Autonomic and Autocoid Pharmacology W Access from 2000 onwards. Title changed to ‘Research & Therapy‘ from 2002
- Barley Genetics Newsletter Open access from 1971 onwards
- Basic and Applied Ecology @ Access from 2000 onwards
- Basic and Applied Mycology Open access
- Basic and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology W Access from 2000 onwards. Previously ‘Pharmacology and Toxicology’
- BBA – Bioenergetics @ Access from 1995 onwards
- BBA – Biomembranes @ Access from 1995 onwards
- BBA – Gene Structure and Expression @ Access from 1995 onwards
- BBA – General Subjects @ Access from 1995 onwards
- BBA – Lipids and Lipid Metabolism @ Access from 1995 onwards
- BBA – Molecular Base of Disease @ Access from 1995 onwards
- BBA – Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids @ full text from December 1998. Earlier issues (January 1995-November 1998)
- BBA – Molecular Cell Research @ Access from 1995 onwards
- BBA – Protein Structure and Molecular Enzymology @ Access from 1995 onwards
- BBA – Proteins and Proteomics @ Access from 2002 onwards
- BBA – Reviews on Biomembranes @ Access from 1995 onwards
- BBA – Reviews on Cancer @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Behavioral and Brain Functions (BMC) Open access
- Behavioural Brain Research @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Behavioral and Brain Sciences Open access
- Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry Open access
- Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology Open access
- Best Practice Research and Clinical Gastroenterology @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Biochemical Engineering Journal @ Access from 1998 onwards
- Biochemical Genetics S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Biochemical Journal Access from 1906 onwards. Or, no current access, but open access after 6 months at PubMed
- Biochemical and Molecular Medicine @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Biochemical Pharmacology @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Biochemical Society Symposia Access 1995-2007
- Biochemical Society Transactions Access from 1973 onwards
- Biochemistry ACS Access from 1962 onwards
- Biochemistry (Moscow) S+ Access from 2000 onwards
- Biochemistry and Cell Biology No current access, but open access after 2 years, from 1996 onwards
- Biochemistry Research International Open access
- Biochimie @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Bioconjugate Chemistry ACSAccess from 1990 onwards
- BioData Mining (BMC) Open access
- Bioelectrochemistry @ Access from 2000 onwards
- Bioessays W Access from 1984 onwards
- Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society No current access, but open access after 1 year, back to 2001
- Bioinformatics OUP Access from 1985 onwards
- Bioinformation Open access
- Bioinorganic Chemistry and Applications Open access
- Biointerphases Open access
- Biologia Plantarum S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Biological Bulletin (The) No current access, but open access after 9 months
- Biological Invasions S+ Access from 1999 onwards
- Biological Journal of the Linnean Society W Access from 1997 onwards. Earlier issues from Sciencedirect @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Biological and Pharmaceutical Journal Open access
- Biological Psychology @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Biological Research (Chilean Journal) Open access
- Biologicals @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Biology Open access
- Biology Direct (BMC) Open access
- Biology and Fertility of Soils S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Biology Letters No current access, but open access after 1 year
- Biology of Sex Differences Open access
- Biomacromolecules ACSAccess from 2000 onwards
- Biomarker Insights Open access
- Biomarker Research Open access (BMC)
- Biomass and Bioenergy @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Biomaterials @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Biomedical Chromatography W Access from 1997 onwards
- Biomedical Imaging and Intervention Journal Open access
- Biometrical Journal W Access from 1997 onwards
- Biometrics W Access from 1999 onwards
- Biomicrofluidics Open access
- Biomolecular Engineering @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Biomolecules Open access
- Bioorganic Chemistry @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Biophysical Chemistry @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Biophysical Journal @ Open access after 1 year, but also some newer articles are available free
- Biopolymers W Access from 1997 onwards
- Bioresource Technology @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry OUP Access from 2021 onwards. Also access to 1997-2020 here. Also, open access 1992-2013 here
- Bioscience Horizons Open access
- Bioscience Hypotheses @ Access 2008-2009 only
- Biosensors Open access
- Biosensors and Bioelectronics @ Access from 1995 onwards
- BIOSILICO @ Access from 2003 onwards
- Biospectroscopy W Access to 1997-1999 only
- Biostatistics No current access, but open access after 2 years
- Biosystems @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Biosystems Engineering @ Access from 2002 onwards
- Biotechniques Open access from 1996 onwards
- Biotechnology Advances @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Biotechnology and Bioengineering W Access from 1997 onwards
- Biotechnology for Biofuels (BMC) Open access
- Biotechnology and Development Monitor Open access
- Biotechnology Journal W Access to 2006 only
- Biotechnology Letters S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Biotechnology Progress W Access from 1996 onwards. Access 1990-1995 here ACS
- Biotechnology Research International Open access
- Biotechnology Techniques S+ Access 1997-1999 only
- BJU International W Access from 1996 onwards
- Blood no current access, but open access to issues over 1 year old
- Blood Cancer Journal Open access
- Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Blood Reviews @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society W Access from 1997 onwards. Also available 1995-2001 at ScienceDirect
- Botanical Review (The) S+ Access from 1997-2008
- Bragantia Open access
- Brain No current access, but open access after 2 years
- Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology Open access
- Brazilian Journal of Biology Open access
- Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering Open access
- Brazilian Journal of Genetics Open access
- Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research Open access
- Brazilian Journal of Microbiology Open access
- Brazilian Journal of Physics Open access
- Brazilian Journal of Plant Physiology Open access
- Bretherick’s Handbook of Reactive Chemical Hazards (8th Edition) @
- Briefings in Bioinformatics No current access, but open access after 2 years
- British Heart Journal Open access 1939-2007. Title changed to ‘Heart’
- British Journal of Cancer No current access, but open access after 1 year, back to 1947
- British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology W Access from 1997 onwards. Also No current access, but open access after 1 year at PubMed
- British Journal of Haematology W Access from 1997 onwards
- British Journal of Nutrition CUP Access from 1947 onwards
- British Medical Journal Access to original research papers only for the 1st year. No current access, but open access after that. Full text 1957-2008 at PubMed
- British National Formulary (BNF) Register with your work email address for access
- Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society Open access
- Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan Some issues available freely, try your luck!
- Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Bulletin of Materials Science Open access
- Bulletin of Mathematical Biology S+ Access from 1997-2008
- Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences Open access
- Bulletin of the World Health Organization Open access. Also available here
- All BMC titles are open access
- BMC Biochemistry
- BMC Bioinformatics
- BMC Biology
- BMC Biotechnology
- BMC Cancer
- BMC Cell Biology
- BMC Chemical Biology
- BMC Clinical Pathology
- BMC Developmental Biology
- BMC Ecology
- BMC Emergency Medicine
- BMC Endocrine Disorders
- BMC Evolutionary Biology
- BMC Gastroenterology
- BMC Genetics
- BMC Genomics
- BMC Immunology
- BMC Medical Genetics
- BMC Medical Genomics
- BMC Medical Imaging
- BMC Microbiology
- BMC Molecular Biology
- BMC Neuroscience
- BMC Nuclear Medicine
- BMC Pharmacology and Toxicology
- BMC Plant Biology
- BMC Proceedings
BMC Public Health
- BMC Research Notes
- BMC Structural Biology
- BMC Systems Biology
- BMC Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling
- CA – A Cancer Journal for Clinicians W Open access
- Canadian Journal of Botany Title changed to ‘Botany’ in 2008. Access from 1996 onwards
- Canadian Journal of Chemistry Open access 1951-1997 only
- Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases & Medical Microbiology No current access, but open access after 1 year
- Canadian Journal of Plant Science No current access, but open access after 3 years, from 1957 onwards
- Canadian Journal of Soil Science No current access, but open access after 3 years, from 1957 onwards
- Canadian Medical Association Journal Open access
- Cancer W Access from 1948 onwards
- Cancer Cell @ No current access, but open access after 1 year
- Cancer Cell International (BMC) Open access
- Cancer Detection and Prevention @ Access to 2002-2008. Title changed to ‘Cancer Epidemiology‘
- Cancer Discovery AACR full text from 2011
- Cancer Epidemiology @ Access from 2009 onwards. Previously titled ‘Cancer Detection and Prevention‘
- Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention AACR full text from 1999
- Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Cancer Immunology Research AACR full text from 2013
- Cancer Informatics No current access, but open access after 2 months
- Cancer Letters @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Cancer Management and Research Open access
- Cancer Microenvironment Open access
- Cancer & Metabolism Open access
- Cancer Prevention Research AACR full text from 2008
- Cancer Research AACR full text from 1999
- Cancer Research Communications Open access
- Cancer Science W Access from 1996 onwards
- Cancers Open access
- Carbohydrate Polymers @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Carbohydrate Research @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Carcinogenesis OUP Access from 1980 onwards
- Cardiology Research and Practice Open access
- Cardiovascular Diabetology (BMC) Open access
- Cardiovascular Research No current access, but open access after 1 year
- Case Reports in Genetics Open access
- Case Reports in Medicine Open access
- Cases Journal (BMC) Open access
- Cell @ Access from 1995 onwards.
- Cell Adhesion and Migration Open access
- Cell Biochemistry and Function W Access from 1996 onwards
- Cell Biology International @ Access to 1995-2005 only
- Cell Biology and Toxicology S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Cell and Bioscience Open access
- Cell Calcium @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Cell Death and Differentiation Open access after 1 year
- Cell Death and Disease Open access
- Cell Growth and Differentiation AACR Open access. Title changed to ‘Molecular Cancer Research’
- Cell Host & Microbe @ Access from 2007 onwards
- Cell Metabolism @ Access after 1 year from 1995
- Cell Motility & the Cytoskeleton W Access from 1997 onwards
- Cell Proliferation W Access from 1997 onwards
- Cell Reports @ Open access
- Cell Research Access only to issues marked as ‘Free’
- Cell Stem Cell @ No current access, but open access after 1 year
- Cell Structure and Function Open access
- Cell and Tissue Research S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Cells Open access
- Cellular Immunology @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Cellular Microbiology W Access from 1999 onwards
- Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Cellular Signalling @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Cellulose S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Cereal Chemistry W Access from 1997-2019 only. Also, pre-1997 is available here
- Cerevista (Belgian Journal of Brewing and Biotechnology) @ Access from 2010 onwards
- CERN Courier Open access
- ChemBioChem W Open access up to Vol. 10 No. 6
- ChemComm See current title ‘Chemical Communications’
- Chemical Biology and Drug Design W Access from 1999 onwards. Previously titled ‘Journal of Peptide Research‘
- Chemical Communications RSC Access from 1965 onwards, including Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications (1972-1995);Journal of the Chemical Society D: Chemical Communications (1969-1971); Chemical Communications (London) (1965-1968)
- Chemical Engineering Journal @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Chemical Engineering Journal and the Biochemical Engineering Journal @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Chemical and Engineering News ACS Access from 2003 onwards
- Chemical Engineering and Technology (CET) W Access from 1998 onwards
- Chemical Health and Safety @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin (Japan) Open access from 1958 onwards
- Chemical Physics @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Chemical Physics Letters @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Chemical Record (The) W Access from 2001 onwards
- Chemical Research in Toxicology ACS Access from 1998 onwards
- Chemical Reviews ACS Access from 1924 onwards
- Chemical Senses OUP Access from 1974 onwards
- Chemical Society Reviews (1972-2007) RSC including Quarterly Reviews, Chemical Society (1947-1971); Royal Institute of Chemistry, Reviews (1968-1971)
- Chemicke Listy Open access
- Chemico-Biological Interactions @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Chemie-Ingenieur-Technik (CIT) W Access from 2000 onwards
- Chemie in unserer Zeit (Chiuz) W Access from 2000 onwards
- Chemkon – Chemie konkret Forum fuer Unterricht und Didaktik W Access from 2002 onwards
- Chemistry – a European Journal W Access from 1998 onwards
- Chemistry and Biodiversity W Access from 2004 onwards
- Chemistry and Biology @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Chemistry and Biology Interface Open access
- Chemistry of Materials ACSAccess from 1995 onwards
- Chemistry and Physics of Lipids @ Access from 1995 onwards
- ChemPhysChem W Access from 2000 onwards
- Chinese Chemical Letters Open access (please scroll down the page to find the journal – mostly in English)
- Chinese Journal of Physics Open access Access to items with a green dot
- Chinese Science Bulletin Title changed, see Science Bulletin in this list
- Cholesterol Open access
- Chromosoma S Access from 1997 onwards
- Chromosome Research S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Circulation Control Open access
- Clinica Chimica Acta @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Clinical and Applied Immunology Reviews @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Clinical Biochemist Reviews (The) Open access
- Clinical Biochemistry @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Clinical Cancer Research AACR full text from 1999
- Clinical Chemistry No current access, but open access after 1 year, full text from 1955
- Clinical and Developmental Immunology Open access
- Clinical Diabetes Open access
- Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology ASM Title changed, see ‘Clinical and Vaccine Immunology’ in this list
- Clinical Endocrinology W Access from 1997 onwards
- Clinical Epidemiology Open access
- Clinical and Experimental Allergy W Access from 1997 onwards
- Clinical and Experimental Allergy Reviews W Access from 2001 onwards
- Clinical and Experimental Gastroenterology Open access
- Clinical and Experimental Immunology W Access from 1990 onwards. Also, access back to 1966 at PubMed
- Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology W Access from 1997 onwards
- Clinical Genetics W Access from 1997 onwards
- Clinical Immunology @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Clinical Infectious Diseases No current access, but open access after 1 year, back to 1997
- Clinical and Investigative Medicine Open access
- Clinical Journal of Gastroenterology S+ Access from 2008 onwards
- Clinical Medicine Insights: Cardiology Open access
- Clinical Medicine Insights: Case Reports Open access
- Clinical Medicine Insights: Endocrinology and Diabetes Open access
- Clinical Medicine Insights: Oncology Open access
- Clinical Microbiology and Infection W Access from 2000 onwards
- Clinical Microbiology Reviews ASM
- Clinical Nutrition @ Access from 1995 onwards Supplements here
- Clinical Otolaryngology W Access from 1997 onwards
- Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging W Access from 1997 onwards
- Clinical Science Access from 1970 onwards
- Clinical and Translational Gastroenterology Open access
- Clinical and Translational Medicine Open access
- Clinical Transplantation W Access from 1999 onwards
- Clinical and Vaccine Immunology ASM Previously called ‘Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology’
- Cognition @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Cognitive Psychology @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology Open access up until the end of the previous year
- Cold Spring Habor Perspectives in Medicine Open access after 2 years
- Colloid and Polymer Science S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Colloid Journal S+ Access from 2000 onwards
- Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Colorectal Disease W Access from 1999 onwards
- Combinatorial Chemistry @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Communicative and Integrative Biology Open access
- Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A @ Access from 1998 onwards
- Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology B @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology C @ Access from 2001 onwards. Also 1995-2000 here
- Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology D @ Access from 2006 onwards
- Comparative and Functional Genomics W Access from 2000 onwards (Vol. 1 was published as Yeast Vol. 17)
- Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Complex Adaptive Systems Modelling Open access
- Computational Biology and Chemistry @ Access from 2003 onwards
- Computer in Biology and Medicine @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Computers and Chemistry @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Computers with Mathematics and Applications @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Concepts in Magnetic Resonance: Part A W Access from 1997 onwards
- Concepts in Magnetic Resonance: Part B W Access from 2002 onwards
- Conservation Biology W Access from 1997 onwards
- Contemporary Organic Synthesis RSC Access to 1994-1997
- Crop Protection @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Crop Science W Access from 2020 onwards. Older issues 2000-2019 open access here
- Crystal Engineering Communications (CrystEngComm) RSC Access to 1999-2007
- Crystal Growth and Design ACSAccess from 2001 onwards
- Crystal Research and Technology W Access from 1998 onwards
- Current Applied Physics @ Access from 2001 onwards
- Current Biology @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Current Cardiology Reviews Open access
- Current Chemical Genomics Open access
- Current Genetics S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Current Issues in Intestinal Microbiology Open access after 1 year. Title changed to ‘Current Issues in Molecular Biology’ from 2008
- Current Issues in Molecular Biology Open access after 1 year. Previously ‘Current Issues in Intestinal Microbiology‘ prior to 2008
- Current Microbiology S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Current Opinion in Biotechnology @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Current Opinion in Cell Biology @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Current Opinion in Chemical Biology @ Access from 1997 onwards
- Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science @ Access from 1999 onwards
- Current Opinion in Genetics & Development @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Current Opinion in Immunology @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Current Opinion in Microbiology @ Access from 1998 onwards
- Current Opinion in Neurobiology @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Current Opinion in Pharmacology @ Access from 2001 onwards
- Current Opinion in Plant Biology @ Access from 1998 onwards
- Current Opinion in Structural Biology @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Current Protocols in Bioinformatics W Access only to the articles which open without a password
- Current Protocols in Cell Biology W Access only to the articles which open without a password
- Current Protocols in Cytometry W Access only to the articles which open without a password
- Current Protocols in Human Genetics W Access only to the articles which open without a password
- Current Protocols in Immunology W Access only to the articles which open without a password
- Current Protocols in Molecular Biology W Access only to the articles which open without a password.
- Current Protocols in Neuroscience W Access only to the articles which open without a password
- Current Protocols in Pharmacology W Access only to the articles which open without a password
- Current Protocols in Plant Biology W Access from 2019 onwards
- Current Protocols in Protein Science W Access only to the articles which open without a password
- Current Protocols in Stem Cell Biology W Access only to the articles which open without a password
- Curtis’s Botanical Magazine W Access from 1997 onwards
- CytoJournal (BMC) Open access
- Cytologia Open access.
- Cytometry Part A W Access from 1980 onwards
- Cytometry Part B W Access from 1994 onwards
- Cytopathology W Access from 1997 onwards
- Cytotechnology No current access, but open access after 1 year
- Dalton Transactions RSC Access 2003-2014 only. Previously titled ‘Journal of the Chemical Society‘
- Developmental and Comparative Immunology @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Development Access from 1987 onwards
- Development, Growth and Differentiation W Access from 1997 onwards
- Developmental Biology @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Developmental Cell @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Developmental Genetics W See current title ‘Genesis‘
- Diabetes Open access HTML after 3 months, PDF’s after 6 months
- Diabetes Care Open access after 6 months
- Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism W Access from 1999 onwards
- Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy Open access
- Diabetes Spectrum No current access, but open access after 6 months
- Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics MAL Open access 1999-2007
- Diabetes Therapy Open access
- Diabetic Medicine W Access from 1997 onwards
- Diabetologia S+ Access from 1997-2008
- Diabetology and Metabolic Syndrome Open access
- Diagnostic and Therapeutic Endoscopy Open access
- Dialogue on Diarrhoea Open access
- Differentiation @ Access from 2009 onwards. Also access to 1997-2008 here
- Digestive Diseases and Sciences S+ Access from 1997-2008
- Digestive Endoscopy W Access from 1997 onwards
- Digestive and Liver Disease @ Access from 2000 onwards
- Discrete Applied Mathematices @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Discrete Mathematics @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Discussions of the Faraday Society RSC Access to 1947-1971
- Disease Models and Mechanisms Open access
- Diseases of the Esophagus W Access from 1999 onwards
- Diversity and Distributions W Access from 1998 onwards
- DNA and Cell Biology MAL Open access 1982-2007
- DNA Repair @ Access from 1995 onwards
- DNA Research Open access
- Drug Discovery Today @ Access from 1996 onwards
- Drug Development Research W Access from 1997 onwards
- Drug Information Journal No current access, but open access after 2 years
- Drug Target Insights Open access
- Eating Behaviors @ Access from 1995 onwards
- eCancerMedicalScience Open access
- Eclética Química Open access
- Ecography W Access from 1997 onwards
- Ecological Entomology W Access from 1997 onwards
- Ecological Management and Restoration W Access from 2000 onwards
- Ecological Processes Open access
- Ecological Research S+ Access from 1997 onwards. Also access 1998-2004 here W
- Ecology Letters W Access from 1998 onwards
- Economic Botany S+Access from 1997 to pre-current issue
- EcoSal Plus ASM Free access via our ASM deal
- Egyptian Informatics Journal @ Access from 2010 onwards
- eHealth International Open access
- Electroanalysis W Access from 1997 onwards
- Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis Open access
- Electrophoresis W Access from 1999 onwards
- eLife Open access
- EMBO Journal W Access from 1997 onwards. Also Pubmed give open access back to 1982
- EMBO Molecular Medicine Open access
- EMBO Reports W Access from 2000 onwards. Also open access after 1 year at PubMed
- Emerging Infectious Diseases Open access
- Emerging Topics in Life Sciences Access from 2017 onwards
- Endeavour @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Endocrine Journal Open access
- Endocrine Reviews OUP Access from 1996 onwards
- Endocrinology No current access, but open access after 1 year
- Energy and Fuels ACS Access from 1987 onwards
- Engineering in Life Sciences W Access from 2001 onwards
- Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata W Access from 1997 onwards
- Entomological Research W Access from 2002 onwards
- Entomological Science W Access from 2003 onwards
- Environmental and Ecological Statistics S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Environmental and Experimental Botany @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Environmental Health (BMC) Open access
- Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine Open access
- Environmental Microbiology W Access from 1999 onwards
- Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis W Access from 1997 onwards
- Environmental Science and Technology ACS Access from 1967 onwards
- Environmental Toxicology W Access from 1997 onwards
- Environmetrics W Access from 1997 onwards
- Enzyme and Microbial Technology @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Enzyme Research Open access
- Epidemiology and Health Open access
- Epidemiology and Infection Open access 1901-2008. Post 2009, only paid open access articles are accessible, they can be found here.
- Epigenetics and Chromatin (BMC) Open access
- E-polymers Open access
- EPPO Bulletin W Access from 1997 onwards
- Essays in Biochemistry Access from 1998 onwards
- Ethology W Access from 1999 onwards
- Eukaryotic Cell ASM Access from 2002-2015
- Euphytica S Access from 1997 onwards
- EURASIP Journal on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology Open access 2006-2017
- European Biophysics Journal S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- European Food Research and Technology S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- European Heart Journal No current access, but open access after 1 year
- European Journal of Agronomy @ Access from 1996 onwards
- European Journal of Biochemistry W See current title ‘FEBS Journal’
- European Journal of Cancer @ Access from 1995 onwards
- European Journal of Cancer Care W Access from 1997 onwards
- European Journal of Cell Biology @ Access from 2000 onwards
- European Journal of Clinical Investigation W Access from 1997 onwards
- European Journal of Clinical Nutrition Access from 1997 onwards
- European Journal of Haematology W Access from 2000 onwards
- European Journal of Immunogenetics W Access from 1997 onwards. Title changed to ‘International Journal of Immunogenetics‘
- European Journal of Immunology W Access from 1997 onwards
- European Journal of Integrative Medicine @ Access from 2008 onwards
- European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry W Access from 1998 onwards
- European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology W Access from 2000 onwards
- European Journal of Medical Research Open access
- European Journal of Nutrition S+ Access from 1998 onwards
- European Journal of Oral Sciences W Access from 1997 onwards
- European Journal of Organic Chemistry W Access from 1998 onwards
- European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences @ Access from 1995 onwards
- European Journal of Pharamcology @ Access from 1995 onwards
- European Journal of Phycology No current access, but open access 1952-2011
- European Journal of Physiology See ‘Pflugers Archiv’ in this list
- European Journal of Plant Pathology S Access from 1997 onwards
- European Journal of Public Health No current access, but open access after 1 year
- European Journal of Social Psychology W Access from 1997 onwards
- European Journal of Soil Biology @ Access from 1998 onwards
- European Journal of Soil Science W Access from 1997 onwards
- European Physical Journal C S+ Access from 1998 onwards
- European Polymer Journal @ Access from 1995 onwards
- European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences Mostly open access
- Europhysics News Open access
- Eurosurveillance Open access
- EvoDevo (BMC) Open access
- Evolution W Access from 2000 onwards
- Evolution and Development W Access from 1999 onwards
- Evolutionary Anthropology W Access from 1997 onwards
- Evolutionary Applications W Open access
- Evolutionary Bioinformatics No current access, but open access after 2 months
- Evolutionary Biology S+ Access from 2007 onwards
- Evolutionary Ecology S+ Access from 1997-2008
- EWAC Newsletter Open access
- Experimental Biology and Medicine No current access, but open access after 1 year
- Experimental Cell Research @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Experimental and Clinical Cardiology Open access
- Experimental Diabetes Research Open access
- Experimental Physiology W Access from 1999 onwards
- F1000 Research Open access
- F1000 Prime Reports Open access
- Faraday Discussions RSC Access to 1991-2007
- Faraday Discussions of the Chemical Society RSC Access to 1972-1991
- Faraday Special Discussions of the Chemical Society RSC Access to 1972 only
- Faraday Symposia of the Chemical Society RSC Access to 1972-1984
- Farmers Weekly Open access items only
- FASEB Journal Access from 2020 onwards
- Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures W Access from 1997 onwards
- FEBS Journal W Access from 1997 onwards. Previously ‘European Journal of Biochemistry‘
- FEBS Letters W Access from 1997 onwards. Access to 2007-2015 also available here
- FEMS Immunology and Medical Microbiology W Access from 1997-2012. Title changed, see ‘Pathogens and Disease’ from 2013
- FEMS Microbiology Ecology OUP Access from 1996 onwards. Also access 1997-2014 at W Wiley
- FEMS Microbiology Letters OUP Access from 1996 onwards. Also access 1997-2014 at W Wiley
- FEMS Microbiology Reviews OUP Access from 1996 onwards. Also access 1997-2014 at W Wiley. Also 1995-2005 @ ScienceDirect
- FEMS Yeast Research OUP Access from 2001 onwards. Also access 2001-2014 at W Wiley
- Field Analytical Chemistry and Technology W Access from 1997 onwards
- Field Crops Research @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Field Mycology @ Access from 2000 onwards
- Fitoterapia @ Access from 1999 onwards
- Flora – Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants @ Access from 2002 onwards
- Florida Entomology Open access
- Flowering Newsletter Incorporated into the ‘Journal of Experimental Botany’
- Food and Agricultural Immunology Access to 1999-2005 only
- Food Analytical Methods S+ Access from 2008 onwards
- Food Bioprocess Technology S+ Access from 2008 onwards
- Food and Bioproducts Processing @ Access from 1996 onwards
- Food Biophysics S+ Access from 2006 onwards
- Food and Chemical Toxicology @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Food Chemistry @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Food Control @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Consumer Info Open access
- Food and Energy Applications W Open access
- Food Hydrocolloids @ Access from 1998 onwards
- Food Microbiology @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Food / Nahrung W Access from 1996 onwards. Title changed to ‘Molecular Nutrition and Food Research‘
- Food and Nutrition Research Briefs Open access
- Food Policy @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Food Production Daily Daily News Site
- Food Quality and Preference @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Food Research International @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Food Science and Technology (LWT) (Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft und-Technologie) @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Food Science and Technology Bulletin Open access
- Food Security S+ Access from 2009 onwards
- Foodborne Pathogens and Disease MAL Open access 2004-2007
- Forest Pathology W Access from 1997 onwards
- Fortschritte der Physik/Progress of Physics W Access from 1998 onwards
- Forum Qualitative Social Research (FQS)Open access
- Free Medical Journals An ever changing list of clinical journal titles offering open access
- Free Radical Biology and Medicine @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology Open access
- Frontiers in Evolutionary Neuroscience Open access
- Frontiers in Genetics Open access
- Frontline Gastroenterology Access from 2010 onwards
- Fuel Cells W Access from 2001 onwards
- Functional Ecology W Access from 1997 onwards
- Functional and Integrative Genomics S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Fundamental and Clinical Pharmacology W Access from 2001 onwards
- Fungal Biology @ Access from 2010 onwards. Previously titled ‘Mycological Research‘
- Fungal Biology Reviews @ Access from 2007 onwards. Previously called ‘Mycologist’
- Fungal Ecology @ Access from 2008 onwards
- Fungal Genetics and Biology @ Access from 1996 onwards
- G3 – Genes, Genomes, Genetics Open access
- Gastroenterology @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Gastroenterology Research and Practice Open access
- Gastrointestinal Cancer Research Open access
- GCB Bioenergy W Access from 2009 onwards
- Gene @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Gene Expression Patterns @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Gene Function and Disease W Access from 2000 onwards
- Gene Regulation and Systems Biology Open access
- Genes Open access
- Genes, Brain and Behavior W Access from 2002 onwards
- Genes and Cancer Open access
- Genes to Cells W Access from 1997 onwards
- Genes Chromosomes and Cancer W Access from 1997 onwards
- Genes and Development Access from 1987 onwards. Also open access at Pubmed from 1997
- Genes and Genetic Systems Open access
- Genes and Nutrition Open access
- Genesis W Access from 1997 onwards. Title is previous called ‘Development Genetics‘
- Genetic Engineering News Mostly open access
- Genetic Epidemiology W Access from 1997 onwards
- Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Genetic Testing MAL Open access 1997-2007
- Genetic Testing and Molecular Biomarkers MAL Open access 1997-2007
- Genetica S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Genetical Research 1997-2003 only
- Genetics OUP Access from 2021 onwards. Older issues 1916-2020 here
- Genetics and Microbiology Open access
- Genetics and Molecular Biology Open access
- Genetics Research International Open access
- Genetics Selection Evolution (BMC) Open access
- Genome Access from 1996 onwards
- Genome Biology (BMC) Open access
- Genome Integrity (BMC) Open access
- Genome Medicine (BMC) Access only to items marked as ‘open access’
- Genome Research Access from 1991 onwards
- Genomic Medicine No current access, but open access after 1 year
- Genomics @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Genomics Data @ Open access
- Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics @ Access from 2006 onwards
- Geochemical Transactions RSC Access 2000-2003
- Geochemical Transactions (BMC) Open access
- GigaScience OUP Access from 2012 onwards
- Global Change Biology W Access from 1997 onwards
- Global Ecology and Biogeography W Access from 1998 onwards
- Global Food Security @ Access from 2012 onwards
- Globalization and Health Open access
- Glycobiology No current access, but open access after 1 year
- Glycoconjugate Journal S+ Access from 1997-2008
- GMS German Medical Science Open access
- Grass and Forage Science W Access from 1997 onwards
- Green Chemistry RSC Access 1999-2007
- GUT Access from 1960 onwards
- Gut and Liver Open access
- Gut Microbes No current access, but open access after 1 year
- Gut Pathogens (BMC) Open access
- Haemophilia W Access from 1997 onwards
- Harvard Science Review Open access
- Headache: The Journal of Head and Face Pain W Access from 1997 onwards
- Health Expectations W Access from 1998 onwards
- Health Information Science and Systems Open access
- Health Policy @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Health and Social Care in the Community W Access from 1997 onwards
- Healthcare Informatics Research Open access
- Healthcare Policy No current access, but open access after 1 year
- Heart No current access, but open access after 1 year. Access back to 1939 at Pubmed. Previously titled ‘British Heart Journal’
- Heart International Open access
- Heart Views: The Official Journal of the Gulf Heart Association Open access
- Helicobacter W Access from 1997 onwards
- Helvetica Chimica Acta W Access from 1998 onwards
- Hepatology W Open access from 1995 onwards
- Hereditary Cancer in Clinical Practice (BMC) Open access
- Hereditas W Open access from 1920 onwards
- Heredity Access from 1996 onwards
- Heritage Science Open access
- HFSP Journal No current access, but open access after 6 months
- HHMI Bulletin Open access
- Histochemistry and Cell Biology S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Histopathology W Access from 1997 onwards
- Historica Mathematica @ Access from 1995 onwards
- HPB: The Official Journal of the International Hepato Pancreato Biliary Association Open access
- HUGO Journal (The) Open access
- Human Cell W Access from 2006 onwards
- Human Genetics S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Human Genomics and Proteomics (HGP) Open access
- Human Immunology @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Human Molecular Genetics No current access, but open access after 1 year
- Human Mutation W Access from 1996 onwards
- Human Reproduction No current access, but open access after 1 year
- IMA Fungus: The Global Mycological Journal Open access
- Imaging Decisions MRI W Access to 2001-2009 only
- Immune Network Open access
- Immunity @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Immunity and Aging Open access
- Immunobiology @ Access from 2001 onwards
- Immunogenetics S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Immunological Reviews W Access from 1997 onwards
- Immunology W Access from 1997 onwards. Also No current access, but open access after 1 year at PubMed
- Immunology and Cell Biology W Access to years indicated as ‘Full access’ from 1924 onwards
- Immunology Letters @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Immunology Today @ Access from 1995 onwards. Now ‘Trends in Immunology’
- Immunome Research Open access
- Immunopharmacology @ Access to 1995-2000
- Immunotechnology @ Access from 1995 onwards
- In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology – Plant S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry Open access
- Indian Journal of Critical Care Medicine Open access
- Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolisum Open access
- Indian Journal of Radiology & Imaging Open access
- Industrial Crops and Products @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Industrial and Engineering Chemistry ACS Access to 1909-1970
- Industrial and Engineering Chemistry:Analytical Edition ACS Access to 1929-1946. Title changed to ‘Analytical Chemistry’
- Industrial and Engineering Chemistry: Chemical and Engineering Data ACS Access to 1956-1958
- Industrial and Engineering Chemistry: Fundamentals ACS Access to 1962-1986
- Industrial and Engineering Chemistry: Process Design and Development ACSAccess to 1962-1986
- Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research ACSAccess from 1987 onwards
- Industrial and Engineering Chemistry: Product Research and Development ACSAccess to 1962-1986
- Infection S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Infection, Genetics and Evolution @ Access from 2001 onwards
- Infection and Immunity ASM Access from 1970 onwards. Back years also available at Pubmed after 6 months
- Infectious Agents and Cancer (BMC) Open access
- Information Systems Journal W Access from 1997 onwards
- Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Inorganic Chemistry ACS Access from 1962 onwards
- Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Insect Conservation and Diversity W Access from 2008 onwards
- Insect Molecular Biology W Access from 1997 onwards
- Insectes Sociaux S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Insects Open access
- Insights into Imaging Open access
- Instructional Science S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Instruments and Experimental Techniques S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Integrative and Comparative Biology No current access, but open access after 1 year
- Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Infectious Diseases Open access
- Interface Focus (A Royal Society Journal) Open access
- Internal Medicine Journal W Access from 1997 onwards
- International Archives of Medicine (BMC) Open access
- International Dairy Journal @ Access from 1995 onwards
- International Immunology No current access, but open access after 2 years
- International Journal of Analytical Chemistry Open access
- International Journal of Andrology W Access from 1997 onwards
- International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents @ Access from 1995 onwards
- International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (BMC) Open access
- International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology @ Access from 1995 onwards
- International Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Open access
- International Journal of Biological Macromolecules @ Access from 1995 onwards
- International Journal of Biomaterials Open access
- International Journal of Biomedical Imaging Open access
- International Journal of Cancer W Access from 1997 onwards
- International Journal of Cell Biology Open access
- International Journal of Chemical Kinetics W Access from 1997 onwards
- International Journal of Consumer Studies W Access from 1997 onwards
- International Journal of Dairy Technology W Access from 1997 onwards
- International Journal of Diabetes in Developing Countries Open access
- International Journal of Epidemiology No current access, but open access after 2 years
- International Journal for Equity in Health (BMC) Open access
- International Journal of Evolutionary Biology Open access
- International Journal of Experimental Pathology W Access from 1997 onwards. Also available on PubMed
- International Journal of Food Microbiology @ Access from 1995 24(3) onwards
- International Journal of Food Science and Technology W Access from 1997 onwards. Also available from IngentaConnect
- International Journal of Immunogenetics W Access from 1997 onwards
- International Journal of Mass Spectrometry @ Access from 1998 onwards
- International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Processes @ Access to 1995-1998
- International Journal of Medical Microbiology @ Access from 2000 onwards
- International Journal of Medical Sciences Open access
- International Journal of Mental Health Systems (BMC) Open access
- International Journal of Microbiology Open access
- International Journal of Molecular Epidemiology and Genetics Open access
- International Journal of Molecular Medicine Open access up to the end of the year before last
- International Journal of Molecular Sciences Open access
- International Journal of Mycobacteriology @ Access from 2012 onwards
- International Journal for Parasitology @ Access from 1995 onwards
- International Journal of Peptides Open access
- International Journal of Pharmaceutics @ Access from 1995 onwards
- International Journal of Plant Genomics Open access
- International Journal of Proteomics Open access
- International Journal of Quantum Chemistry W Access from 1997 onwards
- International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology No current access, but open access after 1 year
- International Laboratory Open access. No Table of Contents, have to search from the page linked (abbreviated titles search only)
- International Nano Letters Open access
- International Review of Hydrobiology W Access from 2000 onwards
- Investigative Genetics (BMC) Open access
- ISME Journal No current access, but open access after 1 year
- Israel Medical Association Journal Open access
- ISRN Gastroenterology Open access
- Issues in Science and Technology Open access. A publication of the National Academy of Sciences (USA)
- IUBMB Life W Access from 1996 onwards
- Japanese Heart Journal Open access
- Japanese Journal of Clinical Immunology Open access.
- Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology No current access, but open access after 6 months old
- Japanese Journal of Crop Science Open access.
- Japanese Journal of Genetics Open access.
- Japanese Journal of Microbiology Open access 1957-1976. Title changed to ‘Microbiology and Immunology‘
- Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics @ Access from 2012 onwards. Previously ‘Journal of the American Dietetic Association‘.
- Journal of Advanced Research @ Access from 2010 onwards
- Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry ACS Access from 1953 onwards
- Journal of Agricultural Science No current access, but open access 1911-2003
- Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science W Access from 1997 onwards
- Journal of Algebra @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Journal of Algorithums @ Access to 1995-2009
- Journal of Allergy Open access
- Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Journal of the American Board of Family Practice Open access
- Journal of the American Chemical Society ACS Access from 1879 onwards
- Journal of the American College of Cardiology @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Journal of the American Dietetic Association @ Access 1995-2011. Title continued as ‘Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics‘.
- Journal of the American Heart Association: Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Disease Open access
- Journal of American Science Open access
- Journal of the American Society for Mass Specrometry S+ Access from 1997 onwards. Also, open access to 1990-2010 here
- Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry RSC Access to 1986-2007
- Journal of Analytical Chemistry S+ Access from 2000 onwards
- Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry Open access
- Journal of Anatomy W Access from 1997 onwards. Also available from 1867 at PubMed
- Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics W Access from 1999 onwards
- Journal of Animal Ecology W Access from 1997 onwards
- Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition W Access from 1999 onwards
- Journal of Antibiotics Open access 1968-2004
- Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy No current access, but open access after 1 year
- Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis Open access. Full text from Vol. 1 1968
- Journal of Applied Crystallography W Access from 1997 onwards
- Journal of Applied Ecology W Access from 1998 onwards
- Journal of Applied Entomology W Access from 1999 onwards
- Journal of Applied Microbiology W Access from 1997 onwards. Also available from IngentaConnect
- Journal of Applied Oral Science Open access
- Journal of Applied Physiology No current access, but open access after 1 year from 1998
- Journal of Applied Polymer Science W Access from 1996 onwards
- Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities W Access from 2000 onwards
- Journal of Applied Toxicology W Access from 1996 onwards
- Journal of Articles in Support of the Null Hypothesis Open access
- Journal of Autoimmune Diseases Open access
- Journal of Avian Biology W Access from 2000 onwards
- Journal of Bacteriology ASM Access from 1916 onwards. Also open access after 6 months at PubMed
- Journal of Basic Microbiology W Access from 1998 onwards
- Journal of Behavioral Decision Making W Access from 1997 onwards
- Journal of Biochemical and Biophysical Methods @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Journal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology W Access from 1998 onwards
- Journal of Biochemistry (The) Open access 1922-2004. Also, open access to 1922-1995 available here
- Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Open access
- Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes S+ Access from 1997-2008
- Journal of Biological Chemistry Access from 1905 onwards
- Journal of Biological Engineering (BMC) Open access
- Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry SAccess from 1997 onwards
- Journal of Biological Physics No current access, but open access after 1 year
- Journal of Biomedical Informatics @ Access from 2001 onwards
- Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A W Access from 1997 onwards
- Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials W Access from 1997 onwards
- Journal of Biomedical Science (BMC) Open access
- Journal of Biomedical Semantics Open access
- Journal of Biomolecular NMR S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Journal of Biomolecular Techniques: JBT Open access
- Journal of Biophotonics W New journal. Currently receiving complimentary access
- Journal of Biophysics Open access
- Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Journal of Biosciences Open access
- Journal of Biotechnology @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society Open access
- Journal of Cancer Epidemiology Open access
- Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Journal of Carcinogenesis (BMC) Open access
- Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (BMC) Open access
- Journal of Cell Biology Access from 1955 onwards. Also, no current access, but open access after 6 months at Pubmed
- Journal of Cell Communication and Signalling S+ Access from 2007 onwards. Also open access at Pubmed
- Journal of Cell Science Access from 1853 onwards
- Journal of Cellular Biochemistry W Access from 1997 onwards
- Journal of Cellular Physiology W Access from 1997 onwards
- Journal of Cereal Science @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Journal of Chemical Biology Open access
- Journal of Chemical Crystallography S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Journal of Chemical Documentation ACS (1961-1974). Title changed to ‘Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences’ also on this page
- Journal of Chemical Ecology S+ Access from 1997-2008
- Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data ACS Access from 1959 onwards. Previously ‘Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Chemical and Engineering Data Series’, also on this page
- Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan Open access.
- Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences ACS Access from 1975 onwards. Previously ‘Journal of Chemical Documentation’, currently called ‘Journal of Chemical Information and Modelling’
- Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling ACS Access from 1961 onwards. Previously ‘Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences’
- Journal of the Chemical Society RSC Access to 1862-1877
- Journal of the Chemical Society, Abstracts RSC Access to 1878-1925
- Journal of the Chemical Society (Resumed) RSC Access to 1926-1965
- Journal of the Chemical Society A: Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical RSC Access to 1966-1971
- Journal of the Chemical Society B: Physical Organic RSC Access to 1966-1971
- Journal of the Chemical Society C: Organic RSC Access to 1966-1971
- Journal of the Chemical Society D: Chemical Communications RSC Access to 1969-1971
- Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions RSC Access to 1990-1998
- Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 1: Physical Chemistry in Condensed Phases RSC Access to 1972-1989
- Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 2: Molecular and Chemical Physics RSC Access to 1972-1989
- Journal of the Chemical Society: Perkin Transactions 1 RSC Access to 1972-2002
- Journal of the Chemical Society: Perkin Transactions 2 RSC Access to 1972-2002
- Journal of the Chemical Society, Transactions RSC Access to 1878-1925
- Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology W Access from 1996 onwards
- Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation ACSAccess from 2005 onwards
- Journal of Cheminformatics (BMC) Open access
- Journal of Chemometrics W Access from 1997 onwards
- Journal of Chromatography A @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Journal of Chromatography B @ Access from 2002 onwards. Access 1995-2001 here @
- Journal of Circadian Rythms Open access
- Journal of Clinical Bioinformatics Open access
- Journal of Clinical Epidemiology @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Journal of Clinical Immunology S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Journal of Clinical Investigation No current subscription, but nearly all articles are open access. Also open access from 1924 at PubMed
- Journal of Clinical Microbiology ASM 1995 onwards. Also open access after 6 months at PubMed 1975 onwards
- Journal of Clinical Nursing W Access from 1997 onwards
- Journal of Clinical Pathology Open access 1947-2007
- Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics W Access from 1997 onwards
- Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine No current access, but open access after 6 months
- Journal of Clinical Virology @ Access from 1998 onwards
- Journal of Colloid and Interface Science @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry ACS Access from 1999 onwards
- Journal of Community Genetics Open access
- Journal of Computational Biology MAL No current access, but open access after 1 year
- Journal of Computational Chemistry W Access from 1996 onwards
- Journal of Computational Science @ Access from 2010 onwards
- Journal of Controlled Release @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Journal of Culture Collections Open access
- Journal of Cytology Open access
- Journal of Dairy Research CUP Complimentary access 1931-2014 as the journal was published for IFR
- Journal of Dairy Science No current access, but open access after 1 year, back to 1917
- Journal of Diabetes WRegistered for free access until 31/12/10
- Journal of Diabetes Investigation W Access from 2010 onwards
- Journal of Eating Disorders Open access
- Journal of Ecology W Access from 1998 onwards
- Journal of Economic Psychology @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Journal of Environmental Monitoring RSC Access to 1999-2007
- Journal of Environmental and Public Health Open access
- Journal of Epidemiology Open access.
- Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice W Access from 1997 onwards
- Journal of Evolutionary Biology W Access from 1997 onwards
- Journal of Experimental Biology No current access, but open access after 6 months. Full text 1923 onwards
- Journal of Experimental Botany OUP Access from 1950 onwards
- Journal of Experimental and Clinical Cancer Research (BMC) Open access
- Journal of Experimental Medicine Open access after 6 months from 1896 onwards
- Journal of Food Biochemistry W Access from 1997 onwards
- Journal of Food Composition and Analysis @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Journal of Food Engineering @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Journal of Food Lipids W Access from 1997 onwards
- Journal of Food Process Engineering W Access from 1997 onwards
- Journal of Food Processing and Preservation W Access from 1997 onwards
- Journal of Food Quality W Access from 1997 onwards
- Journal of Food Safety W Access from 1997 onwards
- Journal of Food Science W Access from 1997 onwards
- Journal of Food Science Education W Access from 2002 onwards
- Journal of Foodservice W Access from 1997 onwards
- Journal of Functional Foods @ Access from 2009 onwards
- Journal of Gastric Cancer Open access
- Journal of Gastroenterology S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology W Access from 1997 onwards
- Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology Open access
- Journal of Gene Medicine W Access from 1998 onwards
- Journal of General and Applied Microbiology Open access.
- Journal of General Internal Medicine W Access from 1997 onwards. Open access also available after 1 year at Pubmed
- Journal of General Physiology No current access, but open access after 6 months from 1918
- Journal of General Plant Pathology S+ Access from 2000 onwards
- Journal of General Virology Access to open access articles only from 1967 onwards
- Journal of Genetics Open access from 1910 onwards
- Journal of Genetics and Genomics @ Access from 2007 onwards
- Journal of Government Information @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Journal of Hazardous Materials @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Journal of Health Science Open access
- Journal of Hematology and Oncology (BMC) Open access
- Journal of Hepatology @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Journal of Heredity Open access up to the end of last year
- Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry No current access, but open access after 1 year
- Journal of Hospital Infection @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics W Access from 1997 onwards
- Journal of Human Reproductive Sciences Open access
- Journal of Hygiene Open access 1901-1986
- Journal of Immunological Methods @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Journal of Immunology Access from 1916 onwards
- Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry ACS (full text from 1909-1922) Title changed to ‘Industrial and Engineering Chemistry’
- Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry (Korean title) Open access
- Journal of Industrial Mircobiology and Biotechnology S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Journal of Infectious Diseases No current access, but open access after 1 year, back to 1998
- Journal of Inflammation Open access
- Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Journal of Insect Behavior S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Journal of Insect Science Open access
- Journal of the Institute of Brewing W Access from 1890 onwards
- Journal of Intellectual Disability Research W Access from 1997 onwards
- Journal of Internal Medicine W Access from 1997 onwards
- Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition (JISSN) (BMC) Open access. Earlier volumes available here
- Journal of Invertebrate Pathology @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Journal of the Kew Guild Open access back to 1893
- Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals W Access from 1997 onwards
- Journal of Lie Theory Open access
- Journal of Lipid Mediators and Cell Signalling @ Access from 1995
- Journal of Lipid Research No current access, but open access after 1 year
- Journal of Lipids Open access
- Journal of Loss Prevention in Process Industries @ Access from 1995
- Journal of Magnetic Resonance @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Series A @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Series B @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging W Access from 1999 onwards
- Journal of Mass Spectrometry W Access from 1997 onwards
- Journal of Materials Chemistry RSC Access to 1991-2007
- Journal of Materials Science S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Journal of Mathematical Biology S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Journal of Medical Case Reports (BMC) Open access
- Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology W Access from 1997 onwards. Previously titled ‘Australasian Radiology’
- Journal of the Medical Library Association (JMLA) No current access, but open access after 2 months (full text from 1898)
- Journal of Medical Primatology W Access from 1997 onwards
- Journal of Medical Virology W Access from 1997 onwards
- Journal of Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry ACS (1957-1962)
- Journal of Medicinal Chemistry ACSAccess from 1959 onwards
- Journal of Medicinal Food MAL Open access 1998-2007
- Journal of Membrane Biology S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Journal of Membrane Science @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Journal of Microbiological Methods @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education ASM Open access
- Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and Infection @ Access from 2010 onwards
- Journal of Microscopy W Access from 1997 onwards
- Journal of Molecular Biology @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Journal of Molecular Evolution S Access from 1997 onwards
- Journal of Molecular and Genetic Medicine Open access
- Journal of Molecular Medicine S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Journal of Molecular Recognition W Access from 1997 onwards
- Journal of Molecular Signalling (BMC) Open access
- Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Journal of Molecular Structure @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Journal of Morphology W Access from 1997 onwards
- Journal of Nanobiotechnology (BMC) Open access
- Journal of Natural Products ACS(full text from 1979)
- Journal of Natural Science Open access
- Journal of Negative Results in Biomedicine (BMC) Open access
- Journal of Neurochemistry W Access from 1997 onwards
- Journal of Neuroendocrinology W Access from 1997 onwards
- Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation Open access
- Journal of Neurogastroenterology and Mobility Open access
- Journal of Neuroimmunology @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Journal of Neurophysiology No current access, but open access after 1 year
- Journal of Neuroscience No current access, but open access after 1 year
- Journal of Nucleic Acids Open access
- Journal of Nutrition @ Access from 2006 onwards
- Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism Open access
- Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Journal of Obesity Open access
- Journal of Oncology Open access
- Journal of Oral Maxillofacial Pathology Open access
- Journal of Oral Microbiology Open access
- Journal of Organic Chemistry ACSAccess from 1936 onwards
- Journal of Parasitology Research Open access
- Journal of Pathology W Access from 1997 onwards
- Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition Open access after 1 year, back to 1982
- Journal of Peptide Research W See new title ‘Chemical Biology and Drug Design‘
- Journal of Pest Science S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Journal of Pesticide Safety Review Open Access
- Journal of Pesticide Science Open access
- Journal of Pharmceutical and Biomedical Analysis @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences W Access from 1997 onwards
- Journal of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan Open access. Abstracts and some articles in English
- Journal of Pharmacological Sciences Open access
- Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Open access
- Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Journal of Phycology W Access from 1997 onwards
- Journal of Physical Chemistry ACS Access to 1896-1996. Title split into ‘Parts A & B’ in 1997
- Journal of Physical Chemistry A ACS Access from 1997 onwards. Previously ‘Journal of Physical Chemistry’
- Journal of Physical Chemistry B ACS Access from 1997 onwards. Previously ‘Journal of Physical Chemistry’
- Journal of Physical Chemistry C ACS Access from 2007 onwards
- Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry W Access from 1997 onwards
- Journal of Physiology W Access from 1999 onwards
- Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology Open access
- Journal of Phytopathology W Access from 1997 onwards
- Journal of Plant Ecology No current access, but open access after 1 year
- Journal of Plant Growth Regulation S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science/Zeitschrift fuer Pflanzenernaehrung und Bodenk W Access from 1999 onwards
- Journal of Plant Physiology @ Access from 2001 onwards
- Journal of Plant Research S Access from 1997 onwards
- Journal of Polymer Research S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry W Access from 1997 onwards
- Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics W Access from 1997 onwards
- Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines W Access from 1997 onwards
- Journal and Proceedings of the Institute of Chemistry of Great Britain and Ireland RSC Access to 1920-1943
- Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Institute of Chemistry RSC Access to 1949 only
- Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Institute of Chemistry of Great Britain and Ireland RSC Access to 1944-1948
- Journal of Proteome Research ACS full text from 2002
- Journal of Proteomics @ Access from 2008 onwards
- Journal of Public Health S+ Access from 2004 onwards
- Journal of Raman Spectroscopy W Access from 1997 onwards
- Journal of Renal Nutrition @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Journal of Research for Consumers Open access. Select the ‘Academic Articles’ tab
- Journal of Research in Medical Sciences Open acces
- Journal of Research in Science Teaching W Access from 1997 onwards
- Journal of RNAi and Gene Silencing Open access
- Journal of the Royal Institute of Chemistry RSC Access to 1950-1964
- Journal of the Royal Society Interface No current access, but open access after 1 year
- Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine No current access, but open access after 3 years. ‘Research’ and ‘Original’ articles newer than this are also available. Access back to 1910 at PubMed
- Journal of Rural Studies @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture W Access from 1997 onwards
- Journal of Separation Science W Access from 1996 – May 2009
- Journal of Signal Transduction Open access
- Journal of Sleep Research W Access from 1997 onwards
- Journal of Structural Biology @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Journal of Structural Chemistry S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Journal of Systematics and Evolution W Open access up to the end of 2010
- Journal of Texture Studies W Access from 1997 onwards
- Journal of Theoretical and Applied Physics Open access
- Journal of Theoretical Biology @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Journal of Thoracic Disease Open access
- Journal of Toxicologic Pathology Open access
- Journal of Toxicology Open access
- Journal of Trace Elements in Experimental Medicine W Access from 1997 onwards
- Journal of Translational Medicine Open access
- Journal of Ultrasound @ Access from 2007 onwards
- Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics W Access from 1997 onwards
- Journal of Virological Methods @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Journal of Virology ASM Also open access after 6 months at PubMed 1967 onwards
- Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE) Open access after 2 years
- Journal of Young Investigators Open access
- Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research W Access from 1999 onwards
- Jubilee of the Chemical Society RSC Published 1891 only
- Just-Food Access only to free items
- Kertgazdasag (Horticulture) Open access
- Korea-Australia Rheology Journal Open access
- Korean Circulation Journal Open access
- Korean Diabetes Journal Open access
- Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering Open access
- Korean Journal of Laboratory Medicine Open access
- Lab on a Chip RSC Access to 2001-2007
- Laboratory Automation & Information Management @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Lancet @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Lancet: Oncology @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Langmuir ACS Access from 1985 onwards
- Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft und-Technologie (Food Science and Technology) @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Letters in Applied Microbiology W Access from 1997 onwards
- Linear Algebra and it’s Applications @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Lipids S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Lipids in Health and Disease (BMC) Open access
- Livestock Production Science @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Liver International W Access from 1999 onwards
- Luminesence: the Journal of Biological and Chemical Luminesence W Access from 1999 onwards
- Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology No current access, but open access after 1 year
- LWT-Food Science and Technology @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Macromolecular Bioscience W Access from 2001 onwards
- Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics W Access from 1998 onwards
- Macromolecular Materials and Engineering W Access from 2000 onwards
- Macromolecular Rapid Communications W Access from 1998 onwards
- Macromolecular Research Open access
- Macromolecular Symposia W Access from 2000 onwards
- Macromolecular Theory and Simulations W Access from 1998 onwards
- Macromolecules ACS Access from 1968 onwards
- Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry W Access from 1997 onwards
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Magnetic Resonance in Medicine W Access from 1998 onwards
- Mammalian Genome S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Mass Spectrometry Reviews W Access from 1997 onwards
- Materials Chemistry and Physics @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Materials and Corrosion W Access from 1998 onwards
- Materials Research Open access
- Materials Today @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Mathematical Biosciences @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Matrix Biology @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Mayo Clinic Proceedings No current access, but open access after 6 months
- mBio ASM Access from 2010 onwards. Also available at PubMed
- Meat Science @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Medical Education W Access from 1997 onwards
- Medical Journal of Australia Open access
- Medical and Veterinary Entomology W Access from 1997 onwards
- Medicina Open access
- Membranes Open access
- Memoirs and Proceedings of the Chemical Society RSC Access to 1843-1848
- Metabolic Engineering @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Metabolism @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Metabolites Open access
- Metabolomics S+ Access from 2005 onwards
- Methods @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Methods in Cell Science S+ Access to 1997-2004 only
- Methods in Enzymology @ Access from 2000 onwards (video items are now available in newer content). Older issues are available in print in NBI Library.
- Methods in Molecular Biology We have access to some MMB items via a protocols deal, see ‘Springer Protocols’ further down this page
- MHR: Basic Science of Reproductive Medicine No current access, but open access after 1 year
- Microbe ASM Access from 2010 onwards
- Microbes and Environments Open access
- Microbes and Infection @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Mircobial Biotechnology W Open access
- Microbial Cell Factories Open access
- Microbial Ecology S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Microbial Genomics Open access
- Microbial Informatics and Experimentation (BMC) Open access
- Microbiological Research @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Microbiology (SGM published) Access from 1947 onwards
- Microbiology (MAIK Nauka published) S+ Access from 2000 onwards
- Microbiology and Immunology W Access from 1957 onwards. Previously titled ‘Japanese Journal of Microbiology‘
- Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews ASM Access from 1937 onwards. Title previously called ‘Microbiological Reviews’
- MicrobiologyOpen Open access
- Microbiology Resource Announcements ASM Open access
- Microbiology Spectrum ASM Free access via our ASM deal
- Microbiology Today Open access
- Microbiome Open access
- Micron @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Microscopy Research and Technique W Access from 1997 onwards
- Mobile DNA (BMC) Open access
- Molecular Biology S+ Access from 2000 onwards
- Molecular Biology of the Cell (MBC) Access from 1997 onwards. Also open access back to 1989 at PubMed
- Molecular Biology and Evolution OUP Access from 1985 onwards
- Molecular Biology International Open access
- Molecular Biology Reports S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Molecular Brain (BMC) Open access
- Molecular Breeding S Access from 1997 onwards
- Molecular Cancer (BMC) Open access
- Molecular Cancer Research AACR Access from 2002. Previously ‘Cell Growth and Differentiation’.
- Molecular Cancer Therapeutics AACR (full text from 2001)
- Molecular Carcinogenesis W Access from 1997 onwards
- Molecular Cell @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Molecular Cell Biology Research Communications @ Access to 1999-2001 only. Title ceased as off 2002.
- Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Molecular and Cellular Biology ASM Access from 1981 onwards. Also open access after 6 months at PubMed
- Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Molecular and Cellular Probes @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Molecular and Cellular Proteomics Open access
- Molecular Cytogenetics (BMC) Open access
- Molecular Ecology W Access from 1997 onwards
- Molecular Ecology Resources W Access from 2001 onwards. Previously titled ‘Molecular Ecology Notes‘
- Molecular and General Genetics S (1997-2001) Title became ‘Molecular Genetics and Genomics’
- Molecular Genetics and Genomics S Access from 2001 onwards. Previously called ‘Molecular and General Genetics’
- Molecular Genetics and Metabolism @ Access from 1998 onwards
- Molecular Imaging and Biology S+ Access from 2005 onwards
- Molecular Immunology @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Molecular Interventions No current access, but open access after 1 year
- Molecular Medicine Today @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Molecular Microbiology W Access from 1997 onwards
- Molecular Nutrition and Food Research W Access from 1996 onwards. Previously titled ‘Food / Nahrung‘
- Molecular Pharmaceutics ACS Access from 2004 onwards
- Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Molecular Plant @ Access from 2008 onwards
- Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions Access from 1997 onwards
- Molecular Plant Pathology W Access from 2000 onwards
- Molecular Reproduction and Development W Access from 1997 onwards
- Molecular Systems Biology W Open access
- Molecular Therapy No current access, but open access after 1 year
- Molecular Vision Open access
- Molecules Open access
- Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports Open access
- mSphere ASM Open access
- mSystems ASM Open access
- Mutagenesis No current access, but open access after 1 year
- Mutation Research / DNA Repair @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Mutation Research / Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Mutation Research / Genetic Toxicology @ Access to 1995-1996 only. Title continued as ‘Mutation Research – Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis‘
- Mutation Research / Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis @ Access from 1997 onwards. Previously titled ‘Mutation Research – Genetic Toxicology‘
- Mutation Research / Mutation Research Genomics @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Mutation Research / Reviews in Genetic Toxicology @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Mutation Research / Reviews in Mutation Research @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Mycobiology Open access
- Mycological Progess S+ Access to articles over 1yr old, from 2002
- Mycological Research @ Access from 1995-2009. Title continued as ‘Fungal Biology‘ from 2010
- Mycologist @ Access 2006 only. Title changed to Fungal Biology Reviews
- Mycopathologia S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Mycorrhiza S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Mycoses W Access from 1998 onwards
- Nahrung / Food W See current title ‘Molecular Nutrition and Food Research‘
- Nano Letters ACS Access from 2001
- Nano Reviews Open access
- Nano Today @ Access from 2006 onwards
- Nanoscale Research Letters Open access
- Nanotechnology, Diagnostics, and Therapeutics (BMC) Open access
- Natural Product Reports RSC Access to 1984-2007 only
- Nature Access from 1997 onwards.
- NatureNews Access to most content
- Nature Biotechnology Access from 1993 onwards
- Nature Cell Biology Access from Vol. 1, 1999 onwards
- Nature Chemical Biology Access from 2011 onwards
- Nature Chemistry Access from Vol. 1, 2009 onwards
- Nature Communications Access only to articles marked ‘open’. All articles submitted from Oct 2014 onwards are open access. Full access is available via UEA if you have a UEA login.
- Nature Genetics Access from Vol. 1, 1992 onwards
- Nature Immunology Access from Vol. 1, 2000 onwards
- Nature Metabolism Access from Vol.1, 2019 onwards
- Nature Medicine Access from Vol. 1, 1995 onwards
- Nature Methods Access 2010 onwards
- Nature Microbiology Access from 2016 onwards
- Nature Neuroscience Open access to articles before 2001
- Nature Plants Access from 2016 onwards. For 2015 articles, please email the library
- Nature Protocols Access from 2017 onwards. Also see ‘Springer Protocols’ in this list as an alternative.
- Nature Reviews Gastroenterology and Hepatology Access from Vol. 1, 2004 onwards
- Nature Reviews Genetics Access from Vol. 1, 2000 onwards
- Nature Reviews Immunology Access from Vol. 1, 2001 onwards
- Nature Reviews Microbiology Access from Vol. 1, 2003 onwards
- Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology Access from Vol. 1, 2000 onwards
- Nature: Scientific Reports Open access
- Nature Structural & Molecular Biology Access from Vol. 1, 1994 onwards. Previously ‘Nature Structural Biology’
- Naturwissenschaften S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Nephrology W Access from 1997 onwards
- Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation No current access, but open access after 1 year
- Neurobiology of Lipids Open access
- Neurogastroenterology and Motility W Access from 1997 onwards
- Neuron @ Access after 1 year, from 1995
- Neurogenetics S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Neuromodulation W Access from 1999 onwards
- Neuropathology W Access from 1997 onwards
- Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology W Access from 1997 onwards
- Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Neuroscience Letters @ Access from 1995 onwards
- New Biotechnology @ Access from 2008 onwards
- New England Journal of Medicine We have a print subscription (from 1990 onwards). If you require an article please email the library with the article details and we’ll supply a scan from our print collection.
- New Food We receive a print issue each month. Please let us know if you’d like to be added to it’s routing list
- New Journal of Physics Open access
- New Phytologist W Access from 1997 onwards
- New Scientist Open access 1956-1989 only. No current online access, but the current print copy is available in the library.
- NMR in Biomedicine W Access from 1997 onwards
- Nonlinear Biomedical Physics(BMC) Open access
- Notes and Records of the Royal Society No current access, but open access after 1 year back to 2001, plus articles over 70 years old. We receive occasional print copies from the current year, please ask to see if we have what you need.
- Nuclear Receptor Signalling Open access
- Nucleic Acids Research Open access
- Nutraceuticals World Open access
- Nutrients Open access
- Nutrition @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Nutrition Bulletin W Access from 1997 onwards
- Nutrition and Cancer Open access 2006-2017 only
- Nutrition Clinique et Métabolisme @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Nutrition and Food Science Access to 1994-2002 only
- Nutrition in Clinical Care W Access to 1998-2002 only
- Nutrition and Diabetes Open access items only
- Nutrition and Dietetics W Access from 2005 onwards
- Nutrition Journal (BMC) Open access
- Nutrition and Metabolism Open access
- Nutrition Research @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Nutrition Research and Practice Open access
- Nutrition Reviews OUP Access from 1996 onwards. Also access 1997-2014 at W Wiley
- Obésité S+ Access from 2006 onwards
- Obesity Research and Clinical Practice @ Access from 2007 onwards
- Obesity Reviews W Access from 2000 onwards
- Occupational and Environmental Medicine (OEM) No current access, but open access after 1 year
- Oecologia S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Oikos: A Journal of Ecology W Access from 2000 onwards
- OMICS: A Journal of Integrative Biology MAL Open access 1995-2007
- Oncologist, The Open access
- Open Biology (RCS) Open access
- Open Biomedical Engineering Journal (The) Open access
- Open Medicine Open access
- Open Neuroimaging Journal Open access
- Open Virology Journal (The) Open access
- Oral Diseases W Access from 1997 onwards
- Oral Microbiology and Immunology W Access from 1997 onwards
- Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry RSC Access to 2003-2007. Previously ‘Perkin Transactions’
- Organic Letters ACS Access from 1999 onwards
- Organic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters Open access
- Organic Process Research and Development ACS Access from 1997 onwards
- Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Organometallics ACS Access from 1982 onwards
- Papers in Physics Open access
- Parasite Immunology W Access from 1997 onwards
- Parasites and Vectors (BMC) Open access
- Particle and Particle Systems Characterization W Access from 1998 onwards
- PathoGenetics (BMC) Open access
- Pathogens Open access
- Pathogens and Disease W Access to 1997-2014 only. Previously called ‘FEMS Immunology and Medical Microbiology’.
- Pathology International W Access from 1999 onwards
- Patient Education and Counseling @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Patient Safety in Surgery (BMC) Open access
- Pediatric Allergy and Immunology W Access from 1997 onwards
- PEDS No current access, but open access after 1 year
- PeerJ Open access
- Peptides @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Perkin Transactions I RSC 1972-2002. Title changed to ‘Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry’ from 2003
- Perkin Transactions II RSC 1972-2002. Title changed to ‘Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry’ from 2003
- Persoonia Open access
- Perspectives in Health Information Management Open access
- Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira Open access
- Pest Management Science W Access from 2000 onwards
- Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Pflugers Archiv: European Journal of Physiology S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Pharmaceutical Research S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Pharmacological Reviews No current access, but open access after 1 year
- Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society Open access 1665-1887
- Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society: A No current access, but open access after 2 year back to 2001, plus articles over 70 years old
- Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society: B No current access, but open access after 1 year back to 2001, plus articles over 70 years old
- Photochemistry and Photobiology W Access from 1997 onwards
- Photodermatology, Photoimmunology and Photomedicine W Access from 2000 onwards
- Photosynthesis Research S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Phycological Research W Access from 1997 onwards
- Physica Medica @ Access from 2007 onwards
- Physics Letters A @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Physics Letters B @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Physics Reports @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Physiologia Plantarum W Access from 1997 onwards
- Physiological Entomology W Access from 1997 onwards
- Physiological Genomics No current access, but open access after 1 year
- Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Physiology and Behavior @ Access from 1995 onwards
- The Physiologist Open access
- Phytochemical Analysis W Access from 1997 onwards
- Phytochemistry @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Phytochemistry Reviews S+ Access from 2002 onwards
- PhytoKeys Open access
- Phytopathology Access from 1997 onwards
- Phytoprotection Open access 1990-2007 only
- Phytotherapy Research W Access from 1997 onwards
- Pigment Cell and Melanoma Research W Access from 1997 onwards. Previously titled ‘Pigment Cell Research’
- Pigment Cell Research W See current title ‘Pigment Cell and Melanoma Research’
- Plant Biology W Access from 1999 onwards
- Plant Biotechnology Journal W Access from 2003 onwards
- Plant Breeding W Access from 1997 onwards
- Plant Cell Access from 1989 onwards. Also available from PubMed after 1 year.
- Plant, Cell and Environment W Access from 1997 onwards
- Plant and Cell Physiology OUP Full text from 1959 onwards
- Plant Cell Reports S Access from 1997 onwards
- Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Plant Disease Access from 1997 onwards
- Plant Ecology S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Plant Foods for Human Nutrition S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Plant Genome (The) Open access
- Plant Growth Regulation S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Plant Journal, The W Access from 1997 onwards
- Plant Methods (BMC) Open access
- Plant Molecular Biology S Access from 1997 onwards
- Plant Molecular Biology Reporter S Access from 1997 onwards
- Plant Pathology W Access from 1997 onwards
- Plant Phenomics Open access (a journal by AAAS)
- Plant Physiology OUP Full text from 1996 onwards. Also available at PubMed after 1 year.
- Plant Physiology and Biochemistry @ Access from 1998 onwards
- Plant Production Science Open access.
- Plant Science @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Plant Signaling and Behavior No current access, but open access after 9 months
- Plant and Soil S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Plant Species Biology W Access from 1997 onwards
- Plant Systematics and Evolution S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Planta S Access from 1997 onwards
- Planta Daninha Open access
- Plasmid @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Platinum Metals Review Open access
- PLoS Biology Open access
- PLoS Computational Biology Open access
- PLoS Genetics Open access
- PLoS One Open access
- PLoS Pathogens Open access
- PM&R (Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation) @ Access from 2009 onwards
- PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA) Open access after 6 months
- Polish Journal of Pharmacology Open access
- Polymer @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Polymer International W Access from 1997 onwards
- Polymer Degradation & Stability @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Polymer Testing @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Polymers Open access
- Polymers for Advanced Technologies W Access from 1997 onwards
- Postharvest Biology and Technology @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Potato Research S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Precision Agriculture S+ Access from 1999 onwards
- Preventive Medicine @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Procedia Computer Science @ Access from 2010 onwards
- Proceedings of the Analytical Division of the Chemical Society RSC Access to 1975-1979
- Proceedings of the Chemical Society RSC Access to 1950-1964
- Proceedings of the Institute of Chemistry of Great Britain and Ireland RSC Access to 1877-1919
- Proceedings of the Chemical Society, London RSC Access to 1885-1914
- Proceedings of the Japan Academy Series B: Physical and Biological Sciences Open access
- Proceedings of the Nutrition Society No current access, but open access after 1 year back to 1944
- Proceeding of the Royal Society Open access 1800-1904
- Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical & Engineering Sciences No current access, but open access after 2 years back to 2001, plus articles over 70 years old
- Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences No current access, but open access after 1 year back to 2004, plus articles over 70 years old .
- Proceedings of the Society for Analytical Chemistry RSC Access to 1964-1974
- Process Biochemistry @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Progress in Biomaterials Open access
- Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Progress in Lipid Research @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Progress of Theoretical Physics Register (no cost) for open access
- Progress in Polymer Science @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Prostate (The) W Access from 1996 onwards
- Protein Engineering (Renamed PEDS from 2004) No current access, but open access after 1 year
- Protein Engineering Design and Selection (PEDS) No current access, but open access after 1 year
- Protein Expression and Purification @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Protein Science W Access from 1997 onwards, plus No current access, but open access after 1 year at PubMed
- Protein Spotlight Open access
- Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics W Access from 1997 onwards
- Proteins: Structure, Function and Genetics W See current title ‘Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics‘
- Proteomics W Access from 2001 onwards
- Protocol Exchange S Access from 1997 onwards
- Protoplasma S Access from 1997 onwards
- Psycoloquy Open access
- Public Health @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Public Health Forum @ Access from 2007 onwards
- Public Health Nursing W Access from 1997 onwards
- Public Health Nutrition No current access, but open access after 1 year, back to 1998
- Public Health Reports No current access, but open access after 2 years (full text from 1878)
- Purinergic Signalling Open access
- Quality Assurance and Safety of Crop and Foods W No current access, but open access after 6 months
- Quarterly Journal of the Chemical Society RSC Access to 1849-1862
- Quarterly Review of the Chemical Society RSC Access to 1947-1971
- Quimica Nova Open access (in Portuguese with English Abstracts)
- Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry W Access from 1997 onwards
- Reaction Chemistry and Engineering RSC Open access to 2016-2017 articles
- Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology No current access, but open access after 1 year
- Report of the Tomato Genetics Cooperative Open access up to the end of last year
- Reports on Mathematical Physics @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Research Open access (a journal by AAAS)
- Research in Immunology @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Research in Microbiology @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Research in Virology @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Respirology W Access from 1997 onwards
- Respiratory Research (BMC) Open access
- Restoration Ecology W Access from 1997 onwards
- Retrovirology Open access
- Reviews in Medical Virology W Access from 1997 onwards
- Reviews in Molecular Biotechnology @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Revue Francaise d’Allergologie @ Access from 2009 onwards. Previously titled ‘Revue Francaise d’Allergologie et d’Immunologie Clinique‘
- Revue Francaise d’Allergologie et d’Immunologie Clinique @ Access to 1995-2008. Title changed to ‘Revue Francaise d’Allergologie‘
- Rheologica Acta S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Rice Open access
- RIKEN Research Open access
- Risk Analysis W Access from 1997 onwards
- RNA No current access, but open access after 6 months
- Royal Institute of Chemistry Reviews RSC Access to 1968-1971
- Saudi Journal of Gastroenterology Open access
- Scandinavian Journal of Immunology W Access from 1997 onwards
- Science Access from 1880 onwards when using the Shibboleth login option
- Science and Technology Review Open access
- Science of the Total Environment @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Science Translational Medicine No current access, but some articles are open access after 1 year if you register a free username/password
- Science Signalling Part of Science Magazine. Previously titled ‘STKE – Signal Transduction Knowledge Environment‘
- Science and Technology Review Open access
- ScienceWeek Free to students – registration page
- Scientia Agricola Open access
- Scientia Horticulturae @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Scientific Reports Open access
- Scientist, The Access from 1986 onwards
- Scottish Medical Journal Open access
- Selected Annual Reviews of the Analytical Sciences RSC Access to 1971-1974
- Seminars in Cancer Biology @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Seminars in Cell Biology @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Seminars in Developmental Biology @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Seminars in Immunology @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Seminars in Virology @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Sensors To use this open access journal obtain a userID and password from Put “free Sensors subscription” in the subject line and your name and address in the text of your e-mail
- Sexual Plant Reproduction S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- Signal Transduction W Access from 2001-2007. Title ceased after 2007
- Silence (BMC) Open access
- Small W No current access, but open access up to April 2009
- Soft Matter RSC Access to 2005-2007
- Soil Biology and Biochemistry @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Soil Use and Management W Access from 1997 onwards
- Soils and Foundations Access to open access articles only. Older issues are available here.
- South African Journal of Botany @ Access from 2006 onwards
- Special Discussions of the Faraday Society RSC 1970 only
- Spectrochimca Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Spectrochimca Acta Part B: Biospectroscopy @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Springer-Nature Experiments Just a top-level to Nature & Springer Protocols, Nature Methods and Protocol Exchange
- Springer Protocols See Springer-Nature Experiments
- SpringerPlus Open access
- Standards in Genomic Sciences Open access (BMC)
- Starch W Access from 1998 onwards
- Statistics and Probability Letters @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Stem Cell Research @ Access from 2007 onwards
- Stem Cell Research and Therapy Open access
- Stem Cells Open access
- Stem Cells and Development MAL Open access 1992-2007
- Stem Cells International Open access
- STKE – Signal Transduction Knowledge Environment Now called ‘Science Signalling‘
- Stroke No current access, but open access after 1 year
- Stroke Research and Treatment Open access
- Structure @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Student JAMA Open access (but not to JAMA articles)
- Studies in Mycology Open access
- Sustainable Development W Access from 1997 onwards
- Surface and Interface Analysis W Access from 1997 onwards
- Surgical Practice W Access from 1999 onwards
- Symposia of the Faraday Society RSC Access to 1967-1971
- Systematic and Applied Microbiology @ Access from 2001 onwards
- Systematic Entomology W Access from 1997 onwards
- Systematic Reviews Open access
- Systems and Synthetic Biology No current access, but open access after 1 year
- Tetrahedron @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Tetrahedron Asymmetry @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Tetrahedron Letters @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Texas Heart Institute Journal Open access
- Theoretical and Applied Genetics (TAG) S Access from 1997 onwards
- Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling (BMC) Open access
- Thorax No current access, but open access after 1 year
- Thrombosis Journal (BMC) Open access
- Tissue Antigens W Access from 1999 onwards
- Tissue and Cell @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Tobacco Control No current access, but open access after 1 year
- Today’s Chemist at Work ACS Access from Nov 2000
- Toxic substances bulletin Open access
- Toxicology International Open access
- Toxicon @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Toxins Open access
- Traffic W Access from 2000 onwards
- Transactions of the Faraday Society RSC Access to 1905-1971
- Transboundary and Emerging Diseases W Access from 1999 onwards. Previously titled ‘Journal of Veterinary Medicine: Series A’
- Transfusion W Access from 1997 onwards
- Transfusion Medicine W Access from 1997 onwards
- Transgenic Research S Access from 1997 onwards
- Translational Oncogenomics Open access
- Transplant Infectious Disease W Access from 1999 onwards
- Trauma Management and Outcomes (BMC) Open access
- Tree Genetics and Genomes S+ Access from 2005 onwards
- Tree Physiology No current access, but open access after 1 year
- Trends in Analytical Chemistry (TrAC) @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Trends in Biochemical Sciences @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Trends in Biotechnology @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Trends in Cell Biology @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Trends in Cognitive Sciences @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Trends in Ecology and Evolution @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Trends in Food Science and Technology @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Trends in Genetics @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Trends in Immunology @ Access from 1995 onwards (Previously ‘Immunology Today’)
- Trends in Microbiology @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Trends in Molecular Medicine @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Trends in Pharmacological Sciences @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Trends in Plant Science @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Tropical Medicine and International Health W Access from 1997 onwards
- Tropical Plant Biology S+ Access from 2008 onwards
- Ultramicroscopy @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Ultrasonic Imaging @ Access 1995-1996 only
- Ultrasonics @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Ultrasonics Sonochemistry @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Vaccine @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Vadose Zone Journal Open access
- Value in Health W Access from 1998 onwards
- Veterinary Research Open access
- Virology @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Virus Genes S Access from 1997 onwards
- Virus Research @ Access from 1995 onwards
- Weed Biology and Management W Access from 2001 onwards
- Weed Research W Access from 1997 onwards
- Western Journal of Medicine Access to 1902-2002
- Which? No electronic access, but most recent 12 month’s hard copy is available in the Library Reading Room
- World Allergy Organization (WAO) Journal Open access
- World Journal of Biological Chemistry Open access
- World Journal of Clinical Oncology Open access
- World Journal of Diabetes Open access
- World Journal of Gastroenterology Open access
- World Journal of Gastrointestinal Pathophysiology Open access
- World Journal of Gastrointestinal Pharmacology and Therapeutics Open access
- World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology S+ Access from 1997 onwards
- World Journal of Stem Cells Open access
- World Patent Information @ Access from 1995 onwards
- World Science and Technology @ Access from 2008 onwards
- Wound Repair and Regeneration W Access from 1997 onwards
- Xenotransplantation W Access from 1998 onwards
- X-Ray Spectrometry W Access from 1997 onwards
- Yakugaku Zasshi Abstracts and some articles in English Open access
- Yeast W Access from 1997 onwards
- Yonsei Medical Journal Open access
- Zeitschrift fur anorganische und allgemeine Chemie W Access from 1998 onwards
- Zoologica Scripta W Access from 1997 onwards
- Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society W Access from 1997 onwards. Older issues available from Sciencedirect @ Access from 1995 onwards
- 3 Biotech Open access
Key to Publishers
AACR = American Association for Cancer Research | ACS = American Chemical Society |
ASM = American Society for Microbiology | BMC = BioMed Central |
CUP = Cambridge University Press | OUP = Oxford University Press |
RSC = Royal Society of Chemistry | @ = Elsevier ScienceDirect |
S = Springer | W = Wiley |
If you have any troubles with access to journals, or any of them are not working as indicated on this page, please inform the Library